Post by Caden Breese on Sept 7, 2009 13:11:09 GMT -6
Caden Breesethe listMagdalen Verenaacquaintances respect caden is a fellow crew member magdalen is intrigued by caden
How They Met: Magdalen met Caden as Solomon was giving her a tour of the Adeala. She finds he likes to keep to himself but is eager to have a proper coversation with him. solomon tayloremployee of Solomon respectHow They Met: Caden stepped in when it appeared Klove was ready to fight with Sol. Booker- acquaintances Booker respects Caden (As long as he don't got that cigarette in his mouth!) -How They Met: Caden was employed as a mechanic on the ship Booker was employed as a Medic on. Booker yelled at Caden for smoking. Nick Blaine- acquaintances -How They Met: Caden was employed as a mechanic on the ship that Blaine was employed as a pilot on. Cassandra NidaacquaintancesHow They Met: Caden is employed on the ship Cass is travelling on. Grace ForjacksacquaintancesHow They Met: Met in a bar while Grace was picking up his brother. Enan Breeseother half good friends friendly rivals tolerance sibling respect bad influenceHow They Met: Brothers (twins) olivefirst name basis acquaintances Olive respects CadenHow They Met: Olive met Caden when he was hired on the Adeala. Reese Emersonacquaintances mixed feelingsHow They Met: Employed on the ship he joined as a passenger