The Birth of AdealaCharacters: Solomon, Nick Blaine, Booker, Caden, Quillian, Olive
Description: Solomon gets his new ship, interviews a few men for places on-board, and had a talk with Olive after an altercation at Grace's ship.
Collecting CrewCharacters: Solomon, Caden, Booker, Olive
Description: Solomon gathers his crew.
ScatteredCharacters: Magdalen, Solomon, Booker, Nick Blaine, Cassandra
Description: Magdalen and Solomon encounter one another for the first time in years and Magdalen joins his crew. Cassandra buys passage aboard the Adeala.
Leaving TerraCharacters: Solomon, Nick Blaine, Booker, Caden, Olive, Magdalen, Cassandra
Description: The Adeala takes off and the crew meet for dinner.
RetreatCharacters: Solomon
Description: Solomon returns to his room after dinner and contemplates his crew.
Morning DriveCharacters: Nick Blaine, Solomon
Description: Nick and Solomon have an early morning chat about piloting.
The First DayCharacters: Magdalen, Solomon
Description: Magdalen and Solomon startle one another when they both wake up early.
Cooking DisasterCharacters: Cassandra, Olive, Booker, Solomon
Description: Cassandra attempts to cook with Olive's help, but neither girl knows what they're doing. Booker enters and has a more sensible breakfast in the form of cereal.
An Early RiseCharacters: Caden, Magdalen
Description: Caden gets up early to sneak in a smoke and is caught by Magdalen
Poking AroundCharacters: Olive, Caden
Description: Caden supervises while Olive looks around the engine room
First LandingCharacters: Solomon, Nick Blaine, Magdalen, Cassandra, Caden, Booker, Olive
Description: The ship reaches Antheia and Solomon calls a meeting, explaining his escape on the shuttle and asking the crew for help repairing it.
Home and HeadachesCharacters: Magdalen, Reese
Description: Magdalen goes for a walk and has a headache come over her. Reese ends up stopping to talk.
RestingCharacters: Solomon, Magdalen, Reese
Description: Solomon reflects. Magdalen returns to the ship with Reese, who signs up as a passenger.
A New Home?Characters: Reese
Description: Reese reflects on what's brought him to the Adeala.
A Simple Bar VisitCharacters: Paige, Caden
Description: Two mechanics walk into a bar...
Calen GaudCharacters: Cassandra, Booker
Description: Cass buys spare parts and gets frightened when Booker tries to talk to her.
Stock-UpCharacters: Nick Blaine, Booker
Description: Nick and Booker talk on their way to the ship.
Sitting IdleCharacters: Magdalen, Solomon, Cassandra, Caden, Booker, Blaine
Description: Magdalen and Solomon are sitting in the cafe when Cass flees from the guards. They run into Caden outside and fill him in.
Cooperation RequiredCharacters: Tribulation Cain, Solomon, Cassandra, Magdalen
Description: Cain arrives on Antheia and speaks to Solomon about Cassandra. His troops open fire on Cass when she turns up. Later that evening, after setting up base, Cain attempts to interrogate Magdalen to find Cass' location.
Startled and ConfusedCharacters: Reese, Military Soldier, Cain
Description: Reese is hassled by a soldier, Cain comes to his rescue
BrokenCharacters: Cassandra, Magdalen, Military Soldier
Description: Magdalen finds Cassandra out in the forest and promises to protect her. Cass is sent to the Denvers and Magdalen returns to the forest to talk to the soldiers.
RegroupCharacters: Magdalen, Solomon, Caden, Booker, Nick Blaine, Reese
Description: The crew regroups after the day's events and discusses what to do.
Spare PartsCharacters: Caden
Description: Caden retrieves Cass' spare parts.
A TalkCharacters: Solomon, Olive
Description: Solomon fills Olive in on what's been happening with the ship and tries to leave her behind, but Olive isn't about to let that happen.
Quiet ContemplationCharacters: Magdalen
Description: Magdalen contemplates yesterday's events and their future repercussions.
Moving InCharacters: Olive, Reese, Booker
Description: Olive checks on Reese when she hears him fall. Booker does his medic thing and patches him up.
Breakfast PlansCharacters: Solomon, Booker, Caden, Magdalen, Olive, Reese, Nick Blaine
Description: The crew decide what to do about Cassandra and decide to help her out.
In RepairCharacters: Cassandra, Solomon, Caden, The Denvers
Description: Cassandra does her best to repair herself at the Denvers. Solomon and Caden arrive with her spare parts, and Cass discloses the truth about herself to them.
Returning to the ShipCharacters: Solomon, Magdalen, Booker
Description: Solomon and Magdalen decide that truth is necessary to make the ship work. Booker checks in to see if they need help.
RelocatingCharacters: Olive, Solomon, Magdalen
Description: Solomon sees how Olive's settling into her new room and lets her in on his plans. Magdalen stops by and Solomon gives her and Olive some space.
Losing GroundCharacters: Cain, Magdalen
Description: Cain speaks to Magdalen before he leaves the planet.
Plan Into ActionCharacters: Solomon, Booker, Caden, Cassandra
Description: The men arrive at the Denvers and figure out how to get Cassandra back to the ship. They separate her into boxes and stack wood over her to disguise the weight.
SmugglingCharacters: Solomon, Booker, Caden, Cassandra, Nick Blaine, Olive, Magdalen
Description: They arrive back at the ship and Cass puts herself back together
Girl TalkCharacters: Cassandra, Olive
Description: Cass asks Olive for advice about boys when Klove asks her out on what may be a date.
SecretsCharacters: Cassandra, Solomon, Magdalen
Description: Solomon calls a meeting to get all the secrets out in the open. [THREAD IN PROGRESS, MORE TO COME]
Uncertain ArrivalCharacters: Solomon, Nick Blaine, Cassandra, Magdalen, Olive, Booker
Description: The Adeala arrives at the Underworld and Solomon makes sure his crew is looked after before following Cassandra. [THREAD IN PROGRESS, MORE TO COME]
ReencounterCharacters: Klove, Grace, Cassandra, Solomon
Description: Klove meets Cassandra and discovers she's aboard the Adeala. Cass promises Solomon that she won't get into trouble, and then Solomon and Grace go out for drinks.
Girls, Girls, GirlsCharacters: Grace, Solomon, Angel
Description: Grace takes Solomon out for drinks at the Painted Lady [THREAD IN PROGRESS, MORE TO COME]